Top 15 tips for going Live on Facebook!
Top 15 Tips For Going Live on Facebook!
Have you been wanting to go Live but just cant hit that button yet? Maybe you have been going Live forever but need more viewers? Well you've come to the right place. Here are the top 15 tips for going Live on Facebook:
1- Make sure your Live is public (not friends only) this is a must.
This is HUGE for your algorithm. If your video isn’t public only your friends can see it. You want to have new people see your Lives.

2- If you don’t have a FB business page - set one up and start going Live from there. (You can see your statistics of your Lives and posts from a biz page).
3- Put a description in your Live. For example:
Paparazzi Jewelry Live!!!
Come hangout and have some fun!
Everything is only $5 each.
4- Use Hashtags in your descriptions on your Live for example: #paparazzilive #paparazziaccessories #paparazzilivenow #paparazzilivesale
Put the hashtags at the bottom of your description.
5- Don’t tag people in your Live, UNLESS they are your hostess (hosting a party for you). If you tag people they get every notification and comment on your Live. Sometimes that makes people unhappy getting so many notifications.
6- Give a SHARE PRIZE! Show your prize on your Live. Show the accessory you will be giving away. Let your customers know they have to share the video publicly on their personal timeline to get entered. They cannot share into groups. I announce the share prize winner the next week after I total up the names for shares. I show the prize on every Live I do for the week.
7- Go Live and show your personality. Remember when you are live it should be YOU x 2! Meaning amp up your energy some and have fun!

8- Play games, do a trivia, have a giveaway. Make your customers want to come back and watch you. Have fun on your Live. Wear a funny hat, wear a wig, dress up and do a theme Live. Ideas: pajama party, Luau, taste the rainbow
(show rainbow colored pieces and dress in bright colors), wrap night (show your wrap bracelets), summer nights, beach days (dress in a maxi dress and a floppy hat) and show shell, beachy accessories.

9- Have a set day and time you go Live each week. Be sure to commit to it and be on time. For example: I go Live every Tuesday for a lunchtime Live at 11:30am MST and play Bling or No Bling every Wednesday night at 7:30pm MST. I also do pop up Lives randomly.
10- Get text alerts! If your customers sign up for text alerts they get an alert every time you go Live! Bonus! They will know when and where to find you. When you text them the alert, include the Live video link.
11- Make sure you have good lighting, a nice background or clean space behind you. Also wear Paparazzi jewelry in your Live. You want to make it inviting for people to view and interesting so they stop scrolling and click in to your video.
12- Only the Paparazzi Consultant can sell the jewelry. Be sure to ask compliance but my understanding is that you can’t have anyone sell the jewelry that is not a consultant. For example: your child, husband, friend, etc. If you want your spouse to be able to sell as well, call Paparazzi and add them to your account.
Having a male selling jewelry is a huge advantage sometimes. It is nice to see the men of Paparazzi selling too.

13- Talk about the Paparazzi opportunity! This is HUGE! Tell others how it has blessed your life. What has Paparazzi done for you? Has it helped you pay a bill? Did you make some new friends? Take your kids to the movies? Did you have a good show? Talk about it. Let others know they can join you. Say did you know you can get this jewelry for only $2.75 if you join my team?
If you talk about it be sure to include the link to Paparazzi’s Income Disclosure.

14- Order new inventory often. Strive to be at least active every month (25 pieces/50PV) at the bare minimum. If you are running your business like a business, you need to be reinvesting to get new jewelry. Since shipments are about a month out right now, I suggest ordering at least once or twice a week so you always are getting a new shipment in.
15- Go Live but also sell other ways. Examples: Take a Bling Bag full for jewelry with you everywhere. Wear Paparazzi Jewelry everyday. Give out free jewelry to random people with your business card. Sign up for events. Do home parties. Set up in nursing homes or retirement centers. Do Comment Parties, Messenger Parties, do a Mystery Hostess Party on Facebook, do a Hostess Battle. Create a VIP group and post in there daily! There are so many ways to sell Paparazzi Accessories. This is just the beginning. :)
**If you've read all of these WAHOO you are a Rockstar!!!**
If you are looking to become a Paparazzi Independent Consultant message me. I would love to see if this will be a good fit for you. <3
You can also visit my website at